At Getwell Medical Center, we provide a wide range of oral health care services to patients, from routine checkups and cleanings to fitting braces and treating oral disease.

Dental Treatment & Services:

  • Dental Consultation
  • Dental X-Ray
  • Extraction (Removal of Teeth)
    1. Normal Extraction
    2. Surgical Extraction
    3. IIIrd Molar Extraction
    4. Impaction (Wisdom Tooth Surgical Extraction)
  • Conservative Treatment (Cavity Fillings)
    1. Temporary Restoration
    2. Glass Ionomer Restoration
    3. Composite (tooth Coloured) Restoration
    4. Tooth Whitening Regime for Discoloured Teeth
    5. Diastema Correction (Space between two front teeth)
  • Periodontal Treatment (Gum Treatment)
    1. Scaling and Polishing
    2. Incision and Drainage Abcess of PUS
    3. Fibre Splinting for Treatment of Mobile Teeth
  • Endodontic Treatment (Pulp Treatment)
    1. Root Canal Treatment
  • Prothodontic Treatment (Artificial Teeth)
    1. Removable Partial Denture (Ist Tooth)
    2. Complete Denture Temporary
    3. Crown & Bridge – Ceramic Crown
  • Paedodontic Treatment (For Kids)
    1. Tooth Extraction
    2. Flouride Therapy
    3. Pulpectomy (Pulp Treatment)
    4. Habit Breaking Appliances

Dr. Dheera Goel

GP Dentist

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