ECG Assessment: An initial Test in Heart Diagnosis.

Dr. Ashok Kapoor Cardiologist



The electrocardiograph (also known as electrocardiogram) or ECG is a simple non-invasive diagnostic procedure, commonly used to assess people with known or suspected heart disease, in a variety of healthcare settings.

Competent recording, reading and interpretation is vital to ensure safe and effective care, yet ECGs are commonly undertaken by unqualified and junior staff, who have received little training.

An  introduction to ECG assessment and interpretation is done by Dr. Kapoor

He is doing heart ch. up for the needy and after the physical assessment , it is the first basic test.

Dr. Kapoor also offers  course for the medical professionals and will equip them with an introductory understanding of ECG assessment and interpretation, which will support the further hands-on training that is needed to competently perform the ECG test in clinical practice.



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